
Towards Peaceful & Harmonious World

Assalamualaikum & hello all!  For this entry, I'll share about the 16th component in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which is....  Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions According to the United Nations (UN), this goal is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institution at all levels. The world nowadays is not a safe place anymore. People get killed almost every day. Wars happened everywhere and anytime, leaving them scared to face new days ahead. To achieve sustainable development, it is very crucial to ensure that peace is maintained.  These three core elements need to be harmonized to achieve sustainable development - economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. Hence, this is the big reason to enhance access to justice, ensuring safety and security, and promoting human rights.   In some countries, armed conflicts have destroyed their

Nothing Matters More Than a Good Health

Bismillah and Assalamualaikum dear readers! Today, I would like to write about 3rd item in Sustainable Development Goals which is Good Health and Well Being . This SDG can relate much with our situation now, as Covid-19 is still spreading throughout the world.           In March 2020, Malaysians have been shocked by the outbreak of Coronavirus disease or commonly known as Covid-19 in this country. The Covid-19 case is firstly detected on 31 December 2019 in Wuhan City, China, when there were cases of pneumonia of unknown cause were informed to the World Health Organization (WHO).            Until 21 April 2021, there were 142,557,268 confirmed cases of Covid-19 globally that have been reported to the WHO, including 3,037,398 deaths. This amount is a very huge number, and it is worrying people all around the world. WHO then declared the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and on 11 March 2020, it has considered a pandemic.            People

Education is for All

Bismillah and Assalamualaikum all :) First and foremost, let’s say Alhamdulillah for the uncountable blessings that Allah SWT has bestowed us. Blessing for still living, blessed with good health, happy family, and many more.         In this semester of my study, I have enrolled in a subject called UNGS 1201 – Sustainable Development: Issues, Policies, and Practices. Through this subject, I’ve learned about SDGs, an acronym that stands for Sustainable and Development Goals. 17 SDGs have been introduced by the United Nation Development Project (UNDP) to protect the world and make it a better place; environmentally, economically, and socially. In this post, I’ll write about the fourth SDG, which is “Quality Education”.                 As we all know, education is very essential in our life since it will help us to think rationally and survive in this very harsh world. Therefore, in Islam, Muslims must learn and seek knowledge, regardless of their race, status, and gender. Even the first